Saturday, December 29, 2012

Barisal Division of Bangladesh | Districts of Barisal Division | Rivers of Barisal Division

Published by Firoz Kabir on Saturday, December 29, 2012  | No comments

Bangladesh has seven administrative districts where Barisal is one of them. Barisal has an area of 13,644.85 sq km. It comprises with six districts including Barisal district. It is located in the central south part of Bangladesh. It is bounded by three others division Dhaka, Chittagong and Khulna and by Bay of Bengal at one side. Barisal is so-called as water bank of Bangladesh. Barisal is criss-crossed by many rivers. Barisal is also called granary of the country that is why the nick name of this division is " barisal" Rice is the main crop of this division where vegetables, wheat, jute and sugar can grow well.

Administrative districts of Barisal division.
Barguna District (1,831.31 sq km)
Barisal District (2790.51 sq km)
Bhola District (3737.21 sq km)
Jhalokati District (758.06 sq km)
Patuakhali District (3220.15 sq km)
Pirojpur District (1307.61 sq km)

Barisal has many canals where crops get an advantage to grow. A vast amount of agricultural products are grown in this division which contributes much for the total demand of BD. In Barisal division 8,147,000 people's are lived in. Since this division is composed of many small to large rivers so fishes are available here. The national fish of Bangladesh Hilisha is grown well in this area as well other fishes. Communication system of Barisal is good and amusing. 

 Agricultural Statistics of Barisal accordingly the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

Travel to Barisal brings so much pleasant to the visitors. Barisal division has some tourism places, kuakata is one of them. The sea beach of Kuakata attracts all visitors like as so good. Barisal has some renown academic institutions, colleges and universities. Barisal is well known for cyclone and sidr affected area. In the year 2006 a serious hurricane named as sidr flowed his outrage over Barisal as well other divisions of Bangladesh. Extra precaution can reduce the destruction to this affected areas in the future.

About the Author

Md. Firoz Kabir

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